Happy Mothers day to all those lovely mums!
Caught a train back home last night all in aid of Mothers Day... I'm very glad I did as my mum lent me this blue jumper to wear and I may accidentally forget to give it back! The blue jumper was hand knitted by my nanny jenny. When I was younger I remember spending the day with her as I was keen to learn the skill, I regrettably didn't keep it up though!
In these photos me and my mum went to 'The Chase' in Woolton Hill, Hampshire (the village I'm from) for a lovely walk that was cut short as it got too cold, I wished I had brought a coat out. Also I don't think anyone noticed I wore my velvet slippers out today...
The day ended with a roast beef I attempted to cook for my mum but ended up watching Chelsea vs Man United instead so she had to finish it off. Then we went to the Village Pub for Sunday night bingo! I was unlucky and didn't win, however my mum won £15, the next round of drinks were on her!
you are everything!